CEPPP is made up of public and private partners. Ghana Cocoa Board and its subsidiaries: Cocoa Health and Extension Division (CHED), Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG), Quality Control Co. Company Limited (QCC) and Seed Production Division (SPD) constitute the public sector.
The private sector partners include Mondelez Cocoa Life (Cadbury), Solidaridad(West Africa), World Cocoa Foundation, Rainforest Alliance and Farmers.
These partners provide fund for recruitment, remuneration, and training of Extension Agents. They also jointly provide for training materials, publications and the cost of training farmers. GIZ-Sustainable Small Agri-Business (SSAB) in collaboration with the other partners provide support in the training of farmers in Farmer Business School, Nutrition, Additional livelihoods, and the establishment of Business Service Centers.